The Composer and Music Theorist Dimitar Ninov
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Pictures of Dimitar Ninov
Dimitar Ninov with his Aural Learning III-2 class in Fall 2019.
Dimitar Ninov with his Theory III class in Fall 2019.
Jazz Trio - Ninov, Yates, Yanez - Fall 2019.
Dimitar Ninov with his Aural Learning III class in Spring 2015.
Dimitar Ninov with his Theory III class in Spring 2015.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Theory II classes in Spring 2015.
Dimitar Ninov and William Caplin at the International Music Theory Conference in Belgrade (Serbia) in May 2011.
Dimitar Ninov and Predrad Repanic at the International Music Theory Conference in Belgrade (Serbia) in May 2011.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Music Theory classes in Spring 2011.
Dimitar Ninov at the NACUSA Texas Conference in March 2011.
Dimitar Ninov with Trio 488 at the 2011 NACUSA Texas Conference.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Music Theory classes in Fall 2010.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Aural Learning classes in Spring 2010.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Music Theory classes in Spring 2009.
Dimitar Ninov with Colleagues at the J. Hodges Piano Competition in San Antonio in February 2009.
Dimitar Ninov with Pianist Linda Parr and Cellist Evgeni Raychev in Nacogdoches in February 2009.
Dimitar Ninov with one of his Theory classes in Fall 2008.
Dimitar Ninov with his Modern Music Ensemble at Texas State University in Fall 2008.
Dimitar Ninov with his Modern Music Ensemble at Texas State University in Fall 2008.
Dimitar Ninov at one of his Composition Recitals
Dimitar Ninov at his Graduation Ceremony - May 17, 2003
Dimitar Ninov at the NAMM Show, LA, Jan. 2003
Dimitar Ninov in Baton Rouge 2008 - Lecture on Modulation
Dimitar Ninov's Art Image, by Dr. Brown
Dimitar Ninov with his Students at the University of Texas at Austin
Dimitar Ninov with I. Kakehashi, President of Roland, LA, Jan. 2004 (1)
Dimitar Ninov with I. Kakehashi, President of Roland, LA, Jan. 2004 (2)
Dimitar Ninov with R. Moog, LA, Jan. 2004
Dimitar Ninov with the St. Williams Choir
last updated on February 8, 2020